Unprocessed Grief and Loss: A Deep Dive into the Shadows of Pain in our Prajna Series

With our fourth and final session ahead, it feels imperative to look back at our last few gatherings, where we had the profound honor of diving deep into the realms of unprocessed grief and loss. The theme resonates with many, often lurking in the shadows, waiting to be acknowledged and addressed. Key Themes for Prajna […]
Dying of Heat in Prison: Climate Change and Incarceration

In a quite devastating article and documentary from 2017, The Marshall Project tells us stories of incarcerated and their families, lawsuits, and the denial of so many Counties/Jails/Institutions denial to address this ongoing and growing issue. Most of the content we publish is informing and can also can be upsetting: I would put a trigger […]
State Juvenile Justice Task Force Finds Too Many First Time Offenders Put In System For Low-Level Crimes

Although a local or state view of Pennsylvania, this 22 minute segment speaks to issues that are happening in all states. You can listen to the whole segment here! https://www.wesa.fm/show/the-confluence/2021-06-29/state-juvenile-justice-task-force-finds-too-many-first-time-offenders-put-in-system-for-low-level-crimes You can view the entire review the entire Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force report and recommendations here: https://www.pacourts.us/Storage/media/pdfs/20210622/152647-pajuvenilejusticetaskforcereportandrecommendations_final.pdf Breakdown of Interview Segment: Bipartisan Juvenile Justice […]
Inside Look at Our Juvenile Justice System with Photographer, Richard Ross

Highlighting our summer webinar series, Futures, where we are carving out space to look closely at our juvenile justice system and the people that work within it. Here’s a 3 minute video, featuring the work of photographer, Richard Ross. His work is a powerful path of activism and important to work of juvenile justice. Watch […]
Conscious Discipline

If you were able to see our most recent youth webinar series featuring our Assistant Director, Nicole Hellthaler, you would have heard the words Conscious Discipline. This is a technique that radically changed the way Nicole held space during her classroom hours. The Conscious Discipline technique and framework has gone on to support her work […]
Trinity Commons Speaker Series with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk

Jessica Mingus, Director of Programs for the Lineage Project, moderated a conversation for the Trinity Commons Speakers Series on May 13th with world-renowned trauma expert Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of the bestseller The Body Keeps the Score. In their hour together, they spoke about trauma, healing, and the impacts of the pandemic on mental health. […]
How to Dismantle Mass Incarceration

UnCommon Law and ChangeLawyers partnered to deliver a series of webinars on mass incarceration, with an intentional focus on BIPOC Communities. You can view the recording of the first webinar in the series, “How to Dismantle Mass Incarceration,” here: https://www.californialeaderssummit.org/post/how-to-dismantle-mass-incarceration There were many takeaways for me from this webinar, and it was all the more […]
Chanda Williams Speaks to Inside Edition and Voice of America About the San Quentin COVID-19 Outbreak

Inside Edition and Voice of America recently spoke with PYP’s Chanda Williams about the COVID-19 outbreak that sickened 2,170 of the people incarcerated there, almost 2/3 of the population, in less than two months, with 19 dead to date. Watch the video to hear from Chanda why outbreaks in prison and jails are so serious. […]