Prison Yoga Project Podcast stands at the cross-section of social justice, education, activism, and yoga. We host interviews with yoga facilitators, addiction counselors, mental health professionals, neuroanatomists, formerly incarcerated people, correctional officers, wardens, judges, lawyers, professors, and more. As we continue to shine a light on all parts of our society that lurk in the shadows, we become aware of where we are complicit.

February 9, 2024
This week on our interview-based podcast, we welcome Dr. Jennifer Bourgeois, a professor of Criminal Justice and a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Justice Research. She is also a facilitator for Prison Yoga Project! We were so lucky to sit down with Dr. Jenn...
December 1, 2023
Have you wanted to learn about transformative programming around the world? Listen to this inspiring conversation, where we’ll journey alongside Gillian, a chaplain-in-training working in Ireland’s prison system. We dive into chaplaincy, yoga, and transitions as Gillian shares unique steps Ireland takes to support people...
November 21, 2023
In this episode, we explored powerful aspects of personal growth, healing, and emotional resilience, guided by Sunil Joseph. Drawing upon years of experience and the principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Sunil shared stories and insights that shed light on the transformative power of empathy and...
October 19, 2023
Our guest Kenneth Hartman is an award-winning writer and prison reform activist who serves as the Director of Advocacy for The Transformative In-Prison Workgroup (TPW). TPW, or The Transformative In-Prison Workgroup, is a statewide coalition of over 50 Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) dedicated to providing trauma-informed...
July 27, 2023
Join trauma-sensitive yoga practitioner and advocate Lara Land in an insightful webinar. Discover how trauma can arise from a single event, the absence of childhood needs, contributing factors, racial-based trauma, and the challenges of recovering from continuous daily traumas. Explore the impact of trauma on...
July 21, 2023
In this inspiring and uplifting webinar we sit down with Campbell Lillard, a fitness and non-profit professional who has been informed by his lived experience of our justice system with the decade he spent at Texas State Prison. In this webinar, Campbell discusses his childhood,...
July 8, 2023
TW: Frankly, any conversation about Prison, Mass Incarceration, and most other topics we cover on the Prison Yoga Project Podcast come with a trigger warning. In this episode, Nechi shares stories of family abuse, early death, and other difficult topics. We feel it is our...
June 9, 2023
Join Author and Accessible Yoga Founder, Jivana Heyman and Prison Yoga Project Communications Manager, Blaire Embrey in this captivating conversation as they explore the depths of yoga and its profound impact on navigating life’s challenges. From the transformative influence of Jivana’s grandmother to his experiences...
May 18, 2023
Welcome to the Prison Yoga Project Podcast! In this episode, we have a very special guest, Josefin Wikstrom, the Program Director and Training Coordinator for Prison Yoga Project, Europe. For over 16 years, Josefin has been at the forefront of introducing yoga and dance into...

From punitive judgement to compassion-based approaches

Prison Yoga Project seeks a cultural shift toward a healing-centered approach to addressing crime, substance use disorder, and mental illness. We honor the human dignity of all people impacted by punitive incarceration by offering trauma-informed yoga and embodied mindfulness to heal trauma and cultivate resilience.

yoga podcast